Enrollment (ordinary period): from July 1 to 21, 2022.

Hours: 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. (at the residence hall secretary)

Documentation to be delivered by new students: 

Documents to be attached to the registration:

Documentation to be submitted by veteran students

Documents to be attached to the registration:

*IMPORTANT: When choosing rooms, veteran students will have preference.


*PO: Full board  / *GB: Breakfast only


The invoice is sent on Christmas. Payment can be made in up to 3 installments, but the full amount must be paid before May 31.


Scale, when there are more requests than places (there are 220 places)

When assigning places, the scale established in Decree 24/2011 of February 22 will be taken into account. This decree amends Decree 164/2002 which creates the EIbar Residence Center and establishes the structure and administrative organization of the Eibar Educational Framework.

“20.2. Article- To accept the people who have made the request for the first time, when there are enough residential plans to respond to all requests, all those who meet the conditions set forth in article 18 of this Decree will be accepted. When the applications are more than the residence places. First of all, one place will be allocated to people who are in the cases specified in article 28.2 of Decree 290/2010 of November 9, which develops a system to provide comprehensive assistance to victims of terrorism. The scale specified in the Annex to this decree will be applied for the allocation of the remaining places and the places will be allocated based on it. The scale criteria will be the following:

A) Annual income of the family unit.

B) The remoteness of the house.

C) Having siblings based in the Center.

D) Being a member of a large family.

E) Disability.

In the event of a tie, taking into account the highest score associated with each previous section and following the order in which these sections are indicated, it will be decided to whom the place(s) will be allocated.

If the tie persists, the director of the Eibar Center will hold a public draw to resolve the matter, and the result will be certified by the secretary of the same center. If the acceptance process is carried out through a computerized procedure b designed by the Department of Education, University and Research, instead of the public lottery, the corresponding computer application itself will use a random procedure. “